In the modern world, passwords are closely guarded secrets, since they are the key to all our business transactions, computer access, mobile wallets, bank accounts, and much more. A report by Verizon media in 2019, revealed that 80 percent of the security breaches had their roots in stolen personal credentials including passwords. This was the inspiration that led to the inception of Cotter (Govest, Inc.) The users are offered simple and foolproof security options here. Kevin Chandra the man behind this, created this innovative, entrepreneurial venture to prevent and attempt to eliminate hacks into online accounts and security systems.
Kevin Chandra was born in Jakarta and had an entrepreneurial streak in him right from his early days. His inspiration was his immigrant grandparents who worked hard to give their clients what they wanted. This young software engineer changed course to become an entrepreneur infused by the vision of giving back to society.
His role models in the industry who had made it big were the South African, Elon Musk of Tesla, Space X, PayPal, The Swede, Daniel Ek of Spotify, The Chinese, Eric Yuan of Zoom, and many others who were successful.
Kevin Chandra was very clear that he would foray into the tech industry with minimal investment. He was also encouraged by the belief that people in America laid a lot of trust in immigrants for business purposes.