Jun International Coaching Ltd. run by Ozzin Jun, offers programmes that re capable of transforming people’s lives. These programmes are tailor made to accommodate the various needs of people. Ozzin Jun is adept at training consultants, coaches, course content creators and even aspiring entrepreneurs, on how to grow their coaching business. Ozzin Jun, has become a well-known name at a very early age. She is only 22-year-old, yet has a powerful vision. She is reckoned as a result oriented, impact driven mentor. This Swiss mentor has a strong background in personal development and marketing.

As the Founder of Jun International Coaching (JIC,) she has taken up the task of helping coaches and budding entrepreneurs to translate their passion into a good revenue earning model through organic marketing. As part of her strategy to teach clients how to attract, retain and manage customers easily, she introduces them to the power of social media and how having suitable systems in place can help them achieve quick success. Ozzin Jun has a global consumer base. She gives her clients access to a wide array of tools and guides them to simple execution. Jun is extremely passionate about her work and her passion rubs off on all aspiring entrepreneurs. She teaches the importance of converting one’s dreams to action. Jun also emphasizes the importance of introspection. An individual must look within and resolve any traumas, negative mind sets, resolve ego issues and any other roadblocks that may exist. According to Jun self-awareness is very important, and provides a rock-solid foundation for the future growth of an individual.
During her early days, Jun saw a lot of troubles and hardships and resolved to try and work hard towards the empowerment of individuals globally through her coaching programmes.