Saood Mansoori was born on 29th January in the year 2003 at Amroha. Saood has successfully adopted the concept of planning and organizing the day-to-day operations of a particular business. The main tasks including their financial plan, mentoring staff, and sharing brand service with the public. He has a great knowledge of Communication, Vision, Empathy, Accountability, and
Saood Mansoori is the founder of Patent Tea company, Amroha. It is a Chai Company focused upon growing – manufacturing & dealing in blending and packaging of tea in India which boasts a corporate culture that is evolved towards the all-round development of the organization and the people involved in it.
He has superior talents and is a man of his words. Saood’s hobbies include Off-road traveling and movies. He’s also into sports like basketball and volleyball. Kamaal dreams to be a good human throughout his life as his strengths and weaknesses are his unique work. His struggles are never over the states.But He has still managed to put all his time and effort’s in his work to achieve the successful position of where he is today. We wish this multitasking man a future that he has always been dreaming of.