Protecting your vision is critical since eyesight is one of your most valuable senses when interacting with your surroundings. Any eye difficulty or pain could make it challenging to function, and often it could indicate a more serious condition, like an infection or even vision impairment. Your eye safety and health rely on your frequent eye checkup and treatments.
Not all eye disorders have symptoms, and if they are not diagnosed in the initial stages, they may become serious and permanent. If you haven’t checked your eyes with optometrists, this is your sign to visit optometrist Melbourne to get the best care.
You could also check out these fifteen signs to properly address your eye complications. Nevertheless, even without these, visiting an optometrist is vital for your eye health.
Table of Contents
1. Blurry Vision
When your vision becomes blurry, your eyesight may no longer be as great as it previously was. Blurry vision is a typical symptom of impaired vision. However, it can also indicate a serious eye disorder. Visiting an optical doctor as soon as possible is critical to diagnose the problem.
The eye specialist can examine your eyes for macular degeneration, retinal problems, glaucoma, and other serious eye problems that can cause impaired vision throughout a general eye test.
2. Eye Pain
Frequently having eye strain or pain is abnormal and may indicate more severe vision problems. You may develop an eye condition or perhaps a change in your eyesight. By visiting an eye specialist for an eye examination, you can check out these circumstances and address the reason for your discomfort.
Acute glaucoma and ocular tumors are two conditions that can trigger severe eye pain and ultimately lead to vision loss.
3. Double Vision
Double vision, commonly known as diplopia, could happen for only a single eye (monocular) or two eyes (binocular). Three conditions can result in monocular double vision, such as astigmatism, dry eye, or keratoconus. On the other hand, Binocular double vision results from improper eye coordination.
Several factors can lead to double binocular vision, such as issues involving the eye muscles, neurological conditions, cranial nerve damage, and brainstem issues.
Scheduling a consultation with an eye specialist is the best method to find the underlying reason for your double vision.
4. Difficulties With Night Vision
Night blindness occurs if people can see clearly in good lighting but have difficulty in dim light environments, which is a normal aspect of aging. However, difficulties seeing at night could sometimes be a sign of cataracts. The primary treatment for cataracts is surgery. However, your optometrist can suggest measures to decrease the spread of cataracts.
5. Frequent Headaches
Headaches are caused by physical and emotional stress. The pain can vary from the sharp throb surrounding the temples to something like an intense pain surrounding or behind the eyes. However, persistent headaches could be a symptom of an infection, glaucoma, eye strain, or altered vision. Schedule a visit with your eye specialist to identify the cause of your frequent headaches.
6. Dry Eyes
You may suffer from dry eye symptoms if you have a gritty, itchy feeling in the eyes. Dry eyes are much more common in dry locations or with dirty air. Visiting an eye specialist could help you with your dry eyes. The eye specialist will be likely to treat your eyes with artificial tears.
7. Flashes, Floaters, Spots
Spots and flashes are usually nothing serious. These are protein or other tissue fragments stuck inside the vitreous. The vitreous gets more fluid as you age, making tissue and other protein fragments more visible. However, floaters associated with light flashes may imply more severe illnesses, like a damaged retina.
If you are experiencing a swarm of floaters or light flashes, you must seek medical attention immediately. Usually, a damaged retina could be restored if treated quickly, but if not, you may have visual loss or blindness.
8. There’s a Foreign Object Stuck in Your Eyes
You must seek urgent medical assistance if anything, including sand, dust, or chemicals, gets stuck into your eyes. If something is stuck in your eye, you should clean your eyes thoroughly with lukewarm water for fifteen minutes to remove any chemicals or small pieces of debris.
Avoid attempting to remove the object with your fingers and rubbing your eyes. The object in your eye can move, damaging your eyes further. If something is stuck in your eyes, visit an eye doctor immediately or head to the closest emergency room.
9. Digital Screens Sensitivity
Staying in front of computers, phones, television, and laptops can cause eye strain, decrease blink rates, and accelerate myopia development in kids. If symptoms continue, you should visit an eye specialist immediately. Eye specialists are capable of assessing eye problems and making treatment suggestions.
10. Light Sensitivity
Light sensitivity is a typical sign of several eye conditions, illnesses, and infections that may point toward a more serious issue. It would be best to visit an eye specialist as soon as possible to determine what causes the sensitivity and provide immediate treatments.
11. You See Halos Around Light
Halos are bright circles of light. If you see halos around lights, this can signify cataracts and astigmatism. It would be best to immediately visit an eye specialist for a thorough eye test. Eye specialists can accurately assess and establish a specific care plan for your eyes.
12. Distant or Near Vision Problems
Schedule a visit to the eye specialist immediately when you observe that you’re having a hard time reading small prints in a book or you squint to see signs. Your prescription may have altered if your near and far vision has changed.
13. Peripheral Vision Loss
Peripheral vision is vital since it enables everyone to see sideways. You should consult an eye doctor immediately if you notice any uneven patches with your peripheral vision, whether it abruptly becomes partially or completely obstructed.
14. You’re in the ’40s
From the moment people age 40, eyesight starts to change significantly, and an eye specialist might suggest actions to protect vision as the age increases. Additionally, several disorders, such as hypertension and diabetes, could exhibit initial signs of eye complications. Immediate treatment and diagnosis could help you achieve better eye safety outcomes.
15. You Never Had an Eye Checkup
Even though your eyes seem fine, you should visit your eye specialist consistently. It’s the only way to identify and prevent problems like glaucoma, which can progress beyond your knowledge. Remember that whether you use glasses or contacts, the prescriptions would expire annually, meaning you need to see an eye specialist regularly.
The same also applies when you have additional eye health issues, including a familial history of cataracts.
Love Your Eye
Eyesight is important as it helps us see colors, situations, events, and truth. Poor eyesight could lead to poor decisions, cause accidents, and lead to wrong paths. It would be best to have your eyes checked every two years, but if you observe any changes in your vision, you can visit your nearest optometrist immediately. Love your eye and seek the best for your eye health to live healthier and see clearer.