Friday evening rang in birthday celebrations for Arjun Kapoor with a host of his friends and relatives. Some of his close friends like Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt Ranveer Singh, Vijay Deverakonda, and many other reputed faces graced the occasion. His sisters Anshula, Janhvi, and Khushi Kapoor turned up to wish their beloved brother. Khushi Kapoor who generally stays away from the limelight was seen in chic leather pants making a style statement. In Bollywood, the younger generation is quick to pick up international style trends. Khushi has of late been making news with her pictures. Some time back she was seen flaunting a purple bikini set in some eye-catching pictures. The faux leather pants that Khushi was wearing are the happening trend in the West with the likes of the Kardashians and Hailey Bieber rocking it. She paired her stylish pants with sneakers that gave it a semi-casual sporty look.
The venue for the bash was the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel Mumbai. Ranbir and Alia who are stated to be a couple were seen leaving the hotel together. On June 25th Arjun had treated his 11.6 million Instagram followers to a picture mentioning that he was ringing in his birthday weekend. Arjun is rumored to be currently dating Malaika Arora. There were conjectures of them marrying soon but none of them have confirmed this. Arjun mentioned in an interview given to the media some time back that he was in hurry to marry.
Arjun is producer Boney Kapoor’s eldest son. He was born from the first marriage of Boney Kapoor with the late Mona Shouri. On June 20th Father’s Day, Janhvi and Arjun shared some pictures of a family dinner with father Boney and the other siblings. In the picture posted on social media, the happy family is seen enjoying their togetherness and grinning away. Khushi, Anshula, Janhvi, and Arjun along with dad Boney are seen bonding well.