The modern woman is very conscious of her appearance and most of them complain about tummy fat. Dr Simon Ourian at Epione is credited with giving a flawless body shape and appearance to women. He is said to be the doctor behind the shapely celebrity Kim Kardashian. A celebrity like Kim Kardashian is always looked up to for her perfect figure and beauty. It is said that she visits Dr Simon Ourian to maintain the non-surgical tummy tuck figure which he apparently gave her. Social Media is a wonderful platform where celebrities share their personal experiences and endorse products, people and services that they believe in and have personally benefitted from. Kim Kardashian has posted about the cosmetic dermatologist Dr Simon Ourian while getting the procedure done on her SnapChat. She is a regular visitor to Dr Simon Ourian at Epione to keep her flawless body in good shape. She is one of the celebrities who has got her stomach shaped and tightened by Dr Simon Ourian. Many women want to remove the unwanted belly fat but are generally faced with surgical options only. Dr Simon Ourian proposes a non-surgical procedure that is effective and delivers excellent results. 71 % of the Women who are unhappy with their appearance attribute the cause to their belly fat. A large section of these women although unhappy with their belly fat and which is a burning issue with them are reluctant to go under the knife. Dr Simon Ourian’s solutions comes as a welcome solution for them and they are keen to opt for it especially when there is a celebrity angle to it too like Kim Kardashian who trusts Dr Ourian.
The non-surgical tummy tuck method uses USRF skin tightening and is completely non-invasive. It uses ultrasound and radio frequency at the abdomen and heating and cooling energy to penetrate the layers of the skin and tighten them. The frequency is good for stimulating collagen production.
This is a proven, easy and quick way to a great looking body without any belly fat.