Greece finally brings a ray of hope to the tourism industry. It has been formally declared that all foreign tourists who can produce a COVID-19 test result or have been vaccinated can now enter Greece.
The tourism season has officially opened now. Greece tourism is very popular and a major revenue earning avenue for the country. The government is hopeful that it will bounce back to business soon. The tourism industry all over the world has taken a major know out blow due to the pandemic.
Greece had imposed strict lockdown rules for many months and their COVID -19 situation has improved drastically. The country is reputed for its museums and cultural heritage. It has a series of archaeological sites namely the ancient Acropolis and others which are major sources of tourist attraction.

Travel between various islands and regions will be permitted after the production of the relevant certificates and other documentation.
Greece has rolled out vaccines to a major part of its population, and it has also conducted RTPCR tests. The Government is optimistic that these measures including the warmer weather which promotes outdoor activities will go a long way in effectively curbing the spread of the deadly COVID -19 virus. In 2020 Greece recorded only 7 million visitors, as compared to the year 2019 when it had recorded 33 million. From 18 billion euros the revenue from tourism dipped to only 4 billion euros.
During the first wave of COVID- 19 as compared to the rest of Europe, Greece was not as badly hit. Then later the infection spread rapidly causing a lot of damage. The lockdowns in place and strict restrictions saw that the country stood up on its feet strong enough to welcome back tourists that are a backbone of the country and contribute a major chunk to its’ revenue.