The word hypertension or High BP rings an alarm bell. Those suffering from it know the repercussions and reach out for their daily prescribed dose of medication. During the lockdown due to the pandemic which has now become the new normal, how do you cope with hypertension? Can one reduce if not completely eliminate medication?
Promagzine has researched a few effective suggested ways available on the internet that may just help those suffering From High B.P.
These suggested ways are just lifestyle changes that need to be made and followed rigorously to achieve the desired results. These apart from lowering your blood pressure also work wonders for your heart and lower your risks of heart diseases. A few suggested tips are:
- Lose the extra kgs and keep an eye on your waistline. BP often increases when your weight increases. Those who are overweight also experience difficulty in breathing, labored walking, lack of stamina, etc. Losing a few inches is also helpful, till you can progress to losing more. The attempt and inclination are important initially. The more fat around your waist the higher the risk of high BP.

- Regular exercise – You don’t have to hit the gym daily. A half an hour walk to is good. The fundamental principle is to keep moving and exercising your muscles and body. Consistency in workouts and exercises is very important. The effective aerobic exercises to lower high BP are – jogging, walking, cycling, swimming, and jogging.
- Healthy diet – Avoiding junk food and eating small light portions of home-cooked meals. Eating a well-balanced diet with the right mix of proteins, vitamins, calcium, etc is what is needed. If you have an unhealthy eating habit, inculcate a good one.
- Cut down on alcohol, smoking, caffeine, and sodium – these are harmful, and abstaining from these will work wonders for our high blood pressure.
Making these small lifestyle changes will guarantee better health for you!