It is a known fact that this virus spreads through the body very fast, causing tissue damage, and that results in respiratory stress syndrome. Meditation is known to have a good effect during the treatment of patients, of any disease including COVID-19.
Research has proved that inflammation can be reduced by stimulating the vagal nerve complex which forms a major component of the peripheral and central nervous system. The response that we have of “fight or flight “can be trained to become a relaxation response. Meditation and yoga can increase the vagal tone. It also circulates pro-inflammatory cytokines. There is a reduction in the activation of the sympathetic nervous system.

Research and study have proved that even 20 minutes of meditation and yoga daily for 6 weeks has wonderful results and reduces proinflammatory activity.
The stretching in yoga asanas also has a very good effect on the immune system of the body. Yoga downregulates the cytokine receptors.
These also have a positive effect on the mind and soothes and calms you. The expression of pro-inflammatory genes is reduced. It is also noted that anxiety and stress reduce a person’s immunity levels and they become more vulnerable and susceptible, therefore meditating helps calm the mind and reduce anxiety levels and stress. The mind becomes very well equipped to deal with internal and external stress. Meditation and yoga need to employ breathing techniques and if they are used properly then the lungs become strong and get their daily exercise. Strong and healthy lungs are a boon that helps in fighting the deadly Coronavirus effectively and much better. Those who practice mediation are healthier mentally, physically, and emotionally to tackle this disease.
Meditation and yoga can be done in any kind of set up you just need a quiet corner and a yoga mat so go ahead and practice the simple and effective yoga and meditation while you are recouping from the COVID-19 your recovery will be a must faster!