Four years ago, Vice President Joe Biden visited the Senate to bid farewell to Mitch McConnell, his Senate colleague. Joe Biden then looked him in the eye and described him as “a real friend a trusted partner. We’re all going to miss him.”
A few years earlier, the two had worked together behind the scenes to unveil a major tax deal. As a gesture of goodwill Biden had been invited to an event held at the University of Louisville by the Kentucky Senator.
In the event Joe Biden said “You want to see whether a Republican and Democrat really like each other, Well, I’m here to tell you we do.’’ as McConnell looked on in agreement with his best friend.
That friendship will be on test now as Biden is now the nation’s 46th president of the US and McConnell is expected to come back as the majority leader of a Senate. The Senate will be asked to pass the incoming president’s legislative priorities, approve his cabinet members and confirm his judicial appointments.

The setback for the Trump administration was tax cuts for the Americans who were among the wealthiest, The Green New deal elements enactment, and the expansion of the health care sponsored by the government. Sen. Lindsey Graham South Carolinas GOP will be chairing the Budget Committee if the Republicans retain control, and he termed such liberal priorities as dead upon arrival.
Graham considers himself a friend of the new President. He believes that they can reach many common grounds including immigration reform, cabinet appointments, and legislation, and so on. But Graham said that although he was a friend he would not let that come in the way of decisions and issues. While speaking to the reporters Graham said that he would oppose or cooperate as per the need of the hour with the incoming President.