Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan is enjoying her sweet time with husband Saif Ali Khan and son Taimur Ali Khan in Dharamshala since the festival of Diwali. The beautiful actress who is pregnant with her second child now shared a beautiful video and some photographs with her son Taimur on social media. Kareena wrote, “Pot, pot, pottery with the lil man Dharamkot studio such brilliant stuff.”
It seems the mother-son duo took part in a pottery session in Dharamkot and enjoyed it to the fullest. The video shared by Kareena on Instagram showed how she and Taimur made a small pot. Both were dressed in winter wear and were absolutely having a fun time in each other’s company. Dharamkot is a small village on a hilltop, near Dharamshala, topping the Kangra valley and Dhauladhar mountains.
Saif recently came to Dharamshala for the filming of his upcoming movie Bhoot Police. He was then joined by Kareena, Taimur, and Malaika. Bhoot Police also features Arjun, Jacqueline Fernandez, and Yami Gautam. The cast and crew had their first schedule in Dalhousie before traveling to Dharamshala. Some days ago, pictures of Saif-Kareena and Arjun-Malaika were going viral on the internet. Kareena before going to Dharamshala had shared how she is excited to travel to the mountains and spend time in the open air and sunshine.
Traveling to the mountains is always good for health because being close to nature always helps one find peace to the mind and the fresh air rejuvenates the body as well. Once in a while, if you a travel freak, make sure to travel once in a year or two to places that are close to mountains or hilly areas because it comes with a lot of health benefits, which will help you kickstart your life in a refreshed manner once you are back to the busy city life.