One of the worst-hit sectors during the pandemic has been the education sector. Children have been consigned to their homes having a lot of spare time on their hands, till the online system of education caught on in a big way. However, one has to admit that it is not the real feel of education. Children are missing the real school atmosphere. Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s children Shora and Yanni are no different. They are not enjoying online teaching in India. There is no surety of when regular school will resume in India, so they have decided to go to a place with regular school interaction – Dubai. They are all set to fly off with mother Aaliya soon.

The mother echoed their feelings and said that online education does not give you the sense of real classroom interaction, and she plans to accompany them and spend some time with them. She commented on the change in their body language which she had noticed whilst they were training online.
The parents have completed all the formalities of the children’s education in Dubai, including choosing the relatives and caretakers who will be responsible for them.
Aaliya reveals that she and Nawaz had always wanted their kids to study abroad and probably COVID gave them this chance and hastened the decision. She said the children would stay in Dubai till they wanted and then probably go somewhere else for higher studies.
Aaliya had also been afflicted with COVID and had had to stay away from her children. She is happy that she is now fine and reunited with them.
The children were meanwhile pursuing their online classes and would do so till they left for Dubai.
Like Shora and Yanni there are many children who are probably not enjoying the online classes but aren’t as privileged as them to move out of India and go to a real classroom!