The vaccination rate in the US has registered a steep decline and has fallen short of President Biden’s goal of 70% of adults being vaccinated by July 4th, 2021. New York-based, Sam Bertini, CEO of Tabr and President of The Arora Company- a marketing consultancy firm has joined the efforts to increase the vaccination rate and the number of vaccinations in the US. Successful entrepreneur Sam Bertini has joined the list of social media influencers who are doing their bit to influence people to go ahead and take the vaccine.

Sam Bertini after receiving his shots of Moderna in May, had spoken about how important it was to get the shots. He said how people are still doubting the efficacy of vaccines when it’s been proven that the COVID-19 infection rate has improved considerably all across the world. On his personal Instagram and Facebook, Bertini has launched a campaign to create awareness about the benefits of the vaccine. He is focused on addressing the citizens of New York City, where he lives. The ad campaigns have been run with the help of his colleagues at The Arora Company, and its’ sister concern Tabr. The assistance of the residents of New Jersey has also been taken. His company’s office is located there.
Bertin’s name has been associated with COVID-related philanthropic work. Apart from this initiative of creating social awareness through his influencer profiles and social media platforms, he has also contributed funds for the COVID affected in the past.
A quarter of the Q2 profits of The Arora Company was donated towards the relief work undertaken for the COVID affected. The company also ran targeted ad campaigns for funding for COVID-related activities.