Bollywood newcomer actress Sanjana Sanghi will soon be seen as the female lead in a new film titled Om The Battle Within. The film features Aditya Roy Kapur as the male lead. Sanjana made her debut in Bollywood this year with Dil Bechara, which marked the last movie of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Dil Bechara couldn’t release in theatres due to the lockdown, so on fans’ demand, the movie was streamed on an OTT platform by the makers.
Om The Battle Within is produced by Zee Studios, Ahmed Khan, and Shaira Khan and directed by Kapil Verma. The film will be shot both in India and in foreign locations and the shooting is expected to end by March 2021. Ahmed Khan found Sanjana’s role in Dil Bechara quite strong and hence, in Om The Battle Within, she will be seen as a young girl who has many responsibilities.
Sanjana is quite excited about signing her second film and considers the movie as an absolute honor for acknowledging her potential. Om The Battle Within will see a new side of Sanjana in which she will be seen as confident, extremely hard working and sharp, empathetic, brave, and overcoming new challenges. Sanjana said she will have to undergo different types of training and prepare herself physically and mentally to give her best to enact the character of Kavya on-screen. She is also thrilled to work with Aditya Roy Kapur who is as well working hard for the film and will shine with his role.
Aditya, who is receiving recognition for his performance in Anurag Basu’s Ludo, said that he has lived with the tale of OM for months, and is contemplating ahead to commencing its journey. He has been preparing for the action scenes quite enthusiastically.