The ongoing COVID -19 pandemic has taught all of us many lessons. It has been an eye-opener for most of us in many ways. We have learned several valuable lessons and one of the most important ones is introspection or self-awareness. We have had several opportunities to spend time alone and during that time some important and relevant information about ourselves has emerged.
A reality check has revealed our dominant personality traits, our ability to cope with crisis, our ability to handle household chores on our own, our independence, our magnanimity, how we spend our me time, how much time we while away doing nothing if we are productive or unproductive work-wise. We have evaluated what we have to improve and what we are good at.

We have seen that earlier commuting that we regarded as an indispensable part of work is actually not a necessity. The internet has connected the world magnificently making it a global village where work can be done very efficiently without actually moving out. The WFH culture has caught on like wildfire and we too, have made the most of it. We have adapted wonderfully well. Our self-awareness has revealed our adaptability. If for some reason, we have been unable to adapt then we have had a lot of time to introspect and find out why we haven’t been able to do so and what we can do to improve.
Pre lockdown and COVID we used to indulge in a whole lot of things whether it was related to our diet, our cosmetics, or our luxuries. During the pandemic when life came to a standstill with our access to a lot of things cut down, we realized that we could still manage well without those so-called necessities or essentials which we had labeled them as. We went minimal and eliminated the riff raffs of existence.
Life during the pandemic has been a wonderful exercise in self-awareness which is an integral part of good and healthy living