The distribution and sale of Halal-certified goods, such as dairy, clothing, and medications, are unlawful in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.
Uttar Pradesh in India has banned halal goods. According to a Saturday announcement by the state government, bakery products, sugar, edible oil, and other items bearing the label “Halal-certified” by their manufacturers will be prohibited from distribution and sale.
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The notification stated, “Halal certification of food products is a parallel system that confuses the quality of food items.”
The notification stated that the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is the country’s highest authority for establishing standards for most food products sold. The FSSAI launches the requirements that food products must adhere to.
The Bharatiya Janata Party member and fiery Hindu monk Yogi Adityanath, an associate of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, governs Uttar Pradesh.
Adityanath and his administration have consistently refuted allegations that they have a divisive agenda against the state’s substantial Muslim population, which have been leveled against them by critics.
“Food should not be contaminated with religion.” “Many products, including sugar and apparel, were falsely labeled as Halal, which is illegal,” Rakesh Tripathi, a spokesman for the state BJP, stated on Monday.