The US economy has a lot to owe to immigrant founders. A Large number of America’s Multi-billion-dollar start-ups nearly 55% have an immigrant founder. This came to light in 2018 in a study carried out by the National Foundation for American Policy. It is interesting to note that apart from the well-known names of Elon Musk and Sundar Pichai, there are many others who have contributed to the US economy. Michelle Marcelline was a young immigrant from Indonesia, who traveled to the US to pursue her dreams of studying Applied Mathematics. Upon completion of her graduation, she wanted to apply theory to practice and create an innovative business.

She was accepted at Y Combinator. This gave this 23-year-old the foothold to raise finances and build a company in Silicon Valley. She emerged as the founder of Cotter – a passwordless solution. Michelle Marcelline started her entrepreneurial journey by buying crypto in American and selling it in South East Asia. She used her extensive knowledge of finance coupled with mathematics, business development, and risk analysis for her venture. A bot that could exploit the arbitrage opportunities in cryptocurrency was built by her.
The difference in the bitcoin process in South East Asia and the USA was about 20 – 30 % the bot by default bought the lower-priced US cryptocurrency and sold it at a higher rate in South East Asia. She joined an insurance start-up, Huckleberry, after her graduation. After two years of trying her hand at different products and services, her biggest success came with Cotter. This was born as an answer to give a befitting reply to hackers and scammers the world over. This authentication service prevented scammers from accessing users’ accounts remotely, even if they possessed the one-time passwords of the users.