Excess of anything is dangerous, it is often said, especially alcohol. Research has revealed the damaging effect of alcohol on the liver of obese people more than the others. Some studies however claim that red wine in moderation has health benefits. Alcohol also prevents weight loss so it is difficult to lose that beer belly. Alcohol is used by the body as a source of fuel. The extra glucose and lipids are deposited as fat giving us those extra kilos so an already obese person will be at high risk of adding more weight.

The body can also develop an alcoholic fatty liver and lead to liver damage. If changes are made to the way energy is stored from food by your body, then that too can make it difficult to lose fat. The changes in the rate of metabolism can occur if the liver is affected. Extra calories and drinks and foods that are high in sugar leads to weight gain. The extra weight and calories get collected in the abdominal area leading to beer bellies and a general belly fat gain. Excessive alcohol coupled with obesity can lead to poor sexual appetite. The testosterone levels may fall and that apart from impacting the sexual health may lead to lack of sleep. If a person is sleep-deprived then that can lead to an imbalance in the hormones that are related to energy storage, hunger, and satiety. Alcohol also impacts the digestive system negatively. It causes stress on the intestines and stomach. The passes less slowly through the digestive tract as there are fewer secretions. It is also said that alcohol can cloud your judgment and thinking, therefore staying away from alcohol while taking important decisions is highly recommended.
Next time you reach out for the liquor class think what you are drinking and what effect it will have on your health especially if you are obese.