Dr Liz Isenring is a renowned International Wellness and Health expert. She talks about 3 top fool proof methods of keeping the immune system strong. She says that people harbour a lot of misinformation about staying strong and having a strong immunity. People start working towards boosting their immune systems. Dr Liz Isenring says that on the contrary, people should just ensure that their immune system is working efficiently, the way it is designed to function. It is a natural defense system, that should work naturally.

People are constantly on the lookout for health and immunity boosters to improve their general health and wellbeing. Dr Liz Isenring says that in order to improve their performance and energy, people fall prey to a lot of misinformation that is doing the rounds. She helps people stay healthy on nutrition that is based on facts and research. She has published 160 peer reviewed scientific papers and has received a research support of more than 4 million dollars. Recently, she has started LINC Nutrition that helps support people to lead a healthy life style through well researched evidence-based nutrition. She has served 20 years in academia. She along with her team members has discovered good nutrition and is working relentlessly towards improving the quality of life of people. She was prompted to start this venture because she was aware that such crucial information on good nutrition knowledge had a limited reach and was not reaching those who needed it the most.
She advises people to adopt Synbiotics or the synergistic effect between prebiotics and probiotics. The next is to eat good fats like Omega 3 fatty acids. Lastly, she explains that antioxidants are very helpful and important for the immune system and helps in fighting diseases.